Custom Holster Clip Manufacturer
Custom Metal Clip Mfr, Middletown, NJ
Call 732-203-0200 or 732-495-3092
Remember when ordering:
We invoice through PayPal for all orders. Pre-pay is required on any order. We send quotes for all orders first for approval then email you an invoice.
Example: Part #1001.020.01 nickel (series number. gauge number. finish number. finish)
CLIP PART NUMBERS are formed by a SERIES number, a GAUGE number, and a FINISH number.
SERIES number indicates both the style and the width of the holster clips.
GAUGE number indicates the thickness of the clip. Most common thikcnesses are .020 and .025. Some special duty clips may be heavier such as .042 thick.
FINISH number indicates the available finishes as well as any imprints or logos stamped on the clips.
Customers can order by either the SERIES number or by the complete part number.
Thanks for your business. We look forward to serving your custom metal clip needs.